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Benefits of the Banks for the Latino Community

Benefits of the Banks for the Latino Community

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Probably you have heard more than once about banks which offer concrete benefits for the Latino community. Michigan has several of them, such as Chemical Bank.

In order to know a little more about what they have for offering to us, we interviewed to Liliana García, Vice-President Assistant-Branch Manager to provide us with more information about it.
The Latino community can obtain concrete services such as check accounts or personal loans to achieve your objectives at Chemical Bank.
In all cases, you will have a personalized customer service, so that they can advise you adequately so that you can select the financial aid that best suits to your needs. This is reflected in the general community services, financial aid and seminars on finance that they want to start applying during this coming year according to Liliana García told us.
Training is one of the great keys so that the customers can handle much better their economy and they would get to know which financial products are the most suitable for them. From the central office of Chemical Bank located in Michigan, you can receive the indicated advice.
For your greater confidence, all these details and new developments can be conducted since the Chemical Bank has achieved a union with the Talmer Bank, this has resulted today in being now a single bank with more than 16 trillion goods in their favor, making them the great leaders of the Latino and the general community in Michigan.
All this is added the possibility of managing financial products through the internet and to have a direct communication with your bank advisor at all times.
If you want to know more about this bank and the benefits it has for the Latino community, we invite you to subscribe to its newsletter on this website

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Haz clic para leerlo en español:Los beneficios de los bancos para la comunidad Latina

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